Season 2 Finale
I am so glad Kelly won as Mr. Trump's Apprentice. I was really rooting for him. But in the beginning of the season, I was more of a fan of Raj, Sandy and most specially Andy. Hehe. I'm impressed that he is the Champion of the Harvard debating team. He's just so funny since he is the youngest and most unexperienced among them all. And the reason for Trump firing him was as well hilarious.
Towards the end of the season, Kelly did prove a lot and showed much potential. His experience in various fields was an advantage. He kinda knew the what's and how's in any given situation. He really worked a long way to get to the final seat.
I never liked bitchy Jennifer M. anyway. She doesn't know when to stop talking, and she can go on and on and on. Well fine she is an over-acheiver, being a graduate of Princeton and Harvard as cum laude and President of her sorority and Honor Society. Good for her. But that kinda attitude won't bring her anywhere. Obviously nobody really liked her, fellow apprentice contenders and audience alike. Like in the board room, she always talks about others' weaknesses rather than focusing on her strengths. Her strategy is to put others down. She badmouths her teammates so they'd look bad and so the focus isn't on her anymore. She passes the blame to anybody possible. She has no humility to admit to her faults.
Nonetheless, Kelly deserved it more. Although it was also a tight fight between Jen and him. What's cool about him is that he is the opposite of Jen. Like in that final judgement in the board room when asked why Trump should hire him, he laid down all his strengths and accomplishments that occurred during the competition. He was talking about himself only, without dragging other names. Unlike Jen, when the same question was asked, she was saying "coz i'm better than Kelly in this and that blah blah." The question wasn't even "Why you're better than the other." Grrr she really gets on my nerves. haha. I hope i won't meet anybody like her in my life.
Dude, this is just a televison show. Why am i so affected? ARGH! This is why i hate watching reality shows. But i have no choice.. almost everything on TV is reality TV.
Why don't producers make me a star of my own show. All they need to do is have a camera follow me everyday wherever I go. Well, i think my life is interesting enough to entertain viewers......... NOT!! Haha. Dream on Xtal.

* tala *
caught some stars @
*12/17/2004 11:55:00 PM*